Friday, October 15, 2010

Arizatul Adeela Arifadhil :)

bonjour! Ya Allah lamanya tak update! haha. okay guys, as you can see at the title.. thats the name of my pretty bestie <3! suddenly feel like sharing about us :')
dylaa syg, i just want you to know that i care about you. ehem, mcm skrips Chinta Canduri. haha. Care and Love are two different things. I care for you like my own sibling well since i don't have any sisters. Okay a bit story to tell. First i met dyla when we're entering the same university. Plus we're in the same group in orientation and also same class! we started to be very close bacause we actually have many things in common. For example, LEOPARD PRINTS, PINK STUFF and so on! :D senang sangatt to be with her! we did tons of fun things together! and she's always there with me whenever im in sorrow or joy :) pause : let the pictures talk pulak okay (:
actually ada byk lagi gmbar me with her but i think thats all for today for preventing any senses of jealousy :P

I Love You Dyla :)


  1. syg, xpyh nak nama penuh sangat la. i tau i glamor, susah tau org glamor mcm i ni. Ok syg. Love u too lesbo,. haha. Ok hby baca aku kena cerai.

    Bestie forever21 lah. haha. LOVE you honey dew..

  2. haha tak payah nk perasan sgt la kan? :P
    muntahhhh :DDD
